Author name: Tiff

Loves to travel, hike, and make things happen. Her passion for travelling stems from connecting with people of different backgrounds.

A Thousand Splendid Suns

Thank you Stella for commenting on my last post. I’ve been putting this blog on the back burner for some time now and I haven’t made time to continue. Your comment was a happy surprise, a little nudge that I needed. So, this will be a special post. I dedicate this to you, because coincidentally

5 seconds

Have you heard of the 5 second rule?

No, not the one where they say it’s safe to eat whatever you dropped on the floor if you pick it up within 5 seconds. That’s gross. ;) I’m talking about the 5 second rule that motivates you to do whatever you hesitate to do. It’s simple. The Rule: Count down from 5 and do

Final Post: Taking the ski lift down

Japan: Final Post, What We Learned

After a three month journey, a six month process to catalogue the journey, and 700 photos later, we have arrived at the final post. What we have learned I watched sumo wrestling, wore a yukata, and overcame my fear of being nude at same-sex public baths. Hiking is my thing– Mt Fuji, Minoh Falls, Nunobiki Falls, Kamakura, and

Daisetsuzan National Park

Adventure Travelling, Adding Zing to Memories

In recent years, I have become quite fond of the idea of adventure travelling. When I can, I add hikes or some sort of nature exploration to my travel itinerary. Although strenuous, given that city exploration by foot is already tiresome, it is quite gratifying. I’d even go so far as to say it has

Daisetsuzan National Park

Journeys & Mount Kurodake

What I like about hiking is the journey, the mere exercise of coordinating your mental and physical capacities. It’s not only about the destination, but the process as well. Alan Watts made an analogy with music to describe life that I find quite fitting. “…in music, one doesn’t make the end of a composition the point of the composition. If

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