
Art At Naoshima

Naoshima is an island of contemporary art museums. From Okayama, Naoshima is a train and ferry ride away (~1hr 20 mins). For all contemporary art aficionados, this is the place to be! There are many public pieces around this island. I also visit the Benesse House museum, but no photos are allowed. Very good (and it

Cycling and Bathing in Osaka

Cycling to Osaka Castle “Ooh-Meh-Gu-Loo”, said the Japanese man. Carmen and I repeat, “Ooh-Meh-Gu-Loo”. We are told that there is only one bike left for rental and that would not be enough for the 2 of us. He gives us the big X gesture with his two arms, like this: And advises to go to another

Multi-layered glass sculpture in front of the conservatory. Impressive.

Settling in Adelaide

Australia vs Canada Don’t worry, I am not settling in Adelaide. A Beijing man asks me whether to immigrate to Australia or Canada. He and his family have Permanent Residency for both. I can’t conclude which I would suggest for him. (Of course, I want to say Canada!) He has 2 main concerns: Will it be easy to find work?

Rottnest Island

Rottnest. Loch Ness? No, Rottnest.

Perth Day 2: Island of Quokkas Rottnest, named “Rotte nest“ by the Dutch sea captain Willem de Vlamingh in 1696, which means… wait for it… “rat’s nest”. Hey! So I am right about Island of Quokkas. Now would be a good time to infatuate you with a cute quokka photo: This post is dedicated to AO & Haruka. AO,

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