
Games: Having Aisukurimu in Furano

If you know me, you know I like to play games. Let’s play a game or 2 today! Game #1: Aisukurīmu What does Aisukurīmu mean?(Hint: it’s actually English. Scroll down to reveal.) Game #2: The Price is Right How much do these two melons/cantaloupes cost? Answer #2: Answer #1: Aisukurīmu = Ice Cream! How to Write

Nara, oh deer!

My cousin Mel likes animals – she has a zoo. Okay, not literally, but she has or has had birds (canaries?), gerbil, hamster, dog, and a snake! Who knows what else she is breeding. After watching clips of these deers and their Japanese politeness (head bowing), Mel told me to check them out in Nara, Japan. I

Sumo Wrestling

Watch Sumo Wrestling in Japan

If you want something, make it happen. I bought 2 tickets, one for me and one for my friend. Unfortunately, my friend worked late so she couldn’t make it. Fortunately, I found a lone man lingering around the ticket booth that said “today’s match sold out”, and I made my first scalping transaction. LOL, at face

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