Explore & Realize: the 6-month Checkpoint

This post is dedicated to Kim. Happy Birthday.

I have been travelling the past 2 weeks, so I’m a bit behind on updates (although, still providing you a post once a week!). 6 months have whizzed by and I am happier than ever. I am still single but am enjoying every moment of life. My dearest friends in Vancouver are engaged, married, and one of my besties has a feisty kicking baby in her belly (not just a food baby). The magnetic forces of these great milestones are telling me, “Come back, Tiff. We miss you.”

I miss you all, too.

But there is still so much to explore and realize.

Portsea building on water


I have explored different landscapes, climates, cultures, sports, foods, and people. From the familiar hiking, dragon boating, and ultimate frisbee, to the more challenging bouldering, caving, surfing, and wing chun, I realize that my fears can be overcome by knowledge. I am capable of learning new sports, capable of making new friends. If I want to get better, it takes practice.

I’m always amazed by people who pick up conversations with random strangers. I remember when Kim (my sister) was eight. She would have a conversation with an elderly man who sat beside us on our first ever plane ride to LA. What they talked about, I had no clue, but what matters is the ability to connect to others.

I used to be a slow-to-warm, shy person. I still am, but I have a new approach: Be open, be kind, be interested. And one more: be smiling. ;)

I’ve planned no structure to this post so I’ll share some photos from a hike last month, forge some thought-provoking captions, and then conclude with a goal for the future. Er, because pretty pictures make us reflect?

Portsea beach & seaweed
Have you ever wondered about algae?
Portsea rock formation
And what do the lines of rocks tell us? Is it symbolic of life – how it’s built up of layers? When water hits it, it flows a certain way, but not always, because sometimes there is wind?
Portsea waves and wonder
And the waves! Who can ignore the waves? It forms on collision. It’s like constant peace and violence, retreat and battle.
Dried plant
And this is just a pretty picture, subjective to my opinion.

I asked a few locals whether I can touch the many jelly fish that beached ashore. They all said, “Yeah, they should be okay to touch… but I wouldn’t touch them!” How frustrating… I really, really wanted to touch one.

So, I did. (It felt soft and plasticky as you would imagine.)

Jelly fish I touch

Great group of hikers
This group of people once walked together on the same beach, started out as strangers, ended as friends, and left not knowing what will become.

To Realize

There are 10+ levels in Wing Chun, probably about 5 years to complete. There is a passionate, family-like, competitive dragon boat team I could join, but would require 2+ practices a week if I want to commit. There are hikes and ultimate frisbee every weekend. The sun is starting to come out and I really should sign up for scuba diving, which requires a lump of money if I want to get a certificate.

Although there are a lot of things I want to do, there isn’t the time and money to do everything. For the next 6+ months, I’m going re-evaluate my values and see where I want to proceed from here.

Maybe it’s time to go easy on the “play”, and focus on the “great”.

Pier from above
What would be your caption?

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to comment / email me!

12 thoughts on “Explore & Realize: the 6-month Checkpoint”

  1. You always amaze me Tiff – very insightful, thought provoking, very good story teller, punchy! Above all, impactful!
    Has been a great pleasure meeting you, I know the day will come where we will bid farewell and I’ll be very sad, but I do hope to stay in touch.
    Starting to miss you already

    1. Thanks A.O!

      You are definitely one of those sociable, care-free people I look up to. Shameless! I love the way you live life, the way you laugh and dance to your hearts desire. I will miss you much too, but I’m not gone yet, let’s treasure these moments.

  2. I’m reading my own thoughts! :) I have a friend who’s like your sister. She’s always friendly and always herself; whereas I was ridiculously self-conscious (but no more! now i’m shameless :P), too self-aware (this i still am), and too introverted (only retaining the good parts now). I’ve always looked to her to see what a better me could be like, to have genuine people interactions and make somebody’s day a little bit better.

    Be open, be kind, be interested, and be smiling. That’s EXACTLY my life approach atm :)

    If i was the old me i wouldn’t have been able to know you. And the Tiff i got to know in the recent year is a very interesting and curious individual! (and you artsy). I would never have guessed you were shy at all. And you being in OZ inspires me to be more carefree… some exploration/reflection you just can’t achieve stuck in your hometown in the daily routine…

    See you in a month’s time! 3 week break is not the same but i will try to space out lots in my deep thoughts… that or it’s more likely just me blanking out from a food coma :P Can’t wait!!!

    1. Joa!

      If you met me in work setting, you will think I’m a weirdo, awkwardly quiet. I was told you were a slow-to-warm type too, but somehow we became immediate friends. I love shameless people (except the woman who kept taking photos at the King & I musical. She was just disrespectful.)

      I’m glad you are choosing to be a more open person. The more I let go of self-consciousness, the more wonderful things I discover about life. I’m glad we are moving in that same direction. Can’t wait to discover Ozzie with you!

      Now I feel like singing… “let it go, let it go… the cold never bothered me anyway…”

  3. awesome post Tiff! So prouda you and so happy to hear you’re seizing every moment of life in Aus! Life is best lived outside the comfort zone, I say :)

    You could prioritize activities that take advantage of the location you’re in. Back at home, conditions aren’t so amenable to scuba diving, or surfing, or swimming at the beach. Enjoy the sun and sand as much as you can :)

  4. I think if you were to re-read this provocative post, a thing or two may have changed. Things that shouldn’t change probably haven’t.

    Seems you were a great you then and you are certainly a great you now.

    Thanks for being true to yourself.

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