Biei, Hokkaido

90 more photos to go — of Biei, Furano and Sounkyo! And I’ve saved the best for the last.

Biei - Rice Fields

Here’s a question for you:

Do you think it’s better to work on something a little bit every day or to do things in bulk?

I hear that multi-tasking is actually not very beneficial and that humans can only retain about 4-5 tasks in their mental space at any one time. I also hear that it is best to do bulk work so that you can be more productive. And that it takes 20 minutes to get back into the task if you get distracted.

Then again, if I did all my exercising in one week for the whole year I don’t expect it would do me any good in the long run… I suppose it depends on the task at hand.

What I am really getting at is my inconsistent schedule for posting photos from the rest of my Japan trip. I find myself dreading the 90+ photos and so, you know… I procrastinate.

So I’ve decided to post 5 photos a day until I go through all 90+ photos. Here are the first 5:

Biei - Rice Fields
Rice field. Good call on making the stop, Tiger! Actually, I forgot you already had a different alias – Shark!
Biei - Rice Fields
My first time being close up to rice fields. Actually, I wouldn’t have known they were rice if it weren’t for my travel companion, Shark.
Biei - Signage "Do not Food any wild animals"
That’s right y’all. Don’t food them.

Preview for the next post:

Biei Blue Pond
Blue Pond in Biei.

And if you counted only 4, I’m including the cover photo too. =P


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